Friday, March 26, 2010

Tweet Tweet Pray

So as of yesterday afternoon, my poor phone went AWOL. Took me from last night until early this afternoon to get it back up and running. Had to complete re-install the OS (several times as the desktop manager wasn't recognizing my BB), then downgrade the OS, then upgrade the OS, the revert to last back-up! Whew!
ANYWAY, so early this morning, while still mid-process, I put on my twitter "please pray for my phone."
Once my phone was fully working, I re-downloaded that lovely ubertwitter application.
As I was flipping through the most recent tweets on my feed, I saw that some "prayer network" had re-tweeted my "please pray for my phone" which of course included my username. HAHAHAH!
First of all, these people aren't my "friends"... yes, I realize my profile/status' are public, but still. I didn't even use the '#' ordeal. I guess they just do a constant search for the word 'prayer' and just re-tweet anything?! You would think they'd at least somewhat filter out what they are re-tweeting? I mean seriously, I don't really need people to pray for my phone. It's an electronic device. Yes, I am a crackberry addict, but that also means I'm good at fixing things! I don't think Jesus or Buddah or even Ghandi could fix my BB through prayer. It needs to be physically fixed. Which it was.
I wonder if 'prayer network' would re-tweet if I said something along the following lines... "please pray for the bitch's ass I'm about to beat." Or how about, "please pray for me while I am in trial trying to get away with murder that I did commit."

Yes, these are the things that go through my poor sick mind.

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