Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Potomac River pollution yields transgendered fish... uh what?

Only in DC...
The Potomac river, the main body of water by the nations capitol is terribly polluted. 
It's sad really.
But I saw this article earlier today is I just had to laugh!

Group Asks For More Study Of Potomac Intersex Fish

WASHINGTON (AP) ―More funding is needed for research on intersex fish in the Potomac River, a Washington environmental group said Tuesday while announcing a new "Fish Mystery" campaign to draw attention to the problem. The exact chemicals, or mix of pollutants responsible for male fish showing female characteristics such as producing eggs, has not been determined. That mystery highlights the need for more study, Vicki Blazer, a fish pathologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, said during a conference call announcing the campaign. "We do believe it's a complex mixture and we're trying to get a handle on what chemicals are important and particularly if we can manage any of those chemicals," Blazer said. The conservancy has the support of Rep. James P. Moran, D-Va., who also participated in the conference call and said he is working to steer $30 million to fund research on the problem. Moran said he is concerned the pollutants that are causing intersex fish could also be causing human health problems. "We've got to fully study it so we know what we're talking about," he said. A 2008 study found as many as 77 percent of male smallmouth bass in the South Branch of the Potomac had started to produce eggs, with the highest percentages adjacent to farming and population centers. Some suspect drugs like birth-control pills and chemicals in household products that make their way through sewer systems and into waterways may be responsible. The conservancy said the problem is not limited to the Potomac, noting intersex fish have been found nationwide.
While the problem is studied, consumers can take steps to limit the problem by choosing the products they buy more carefully, said Hedrick Belin, president, Potomac Conservancy.  Many products contain sanitizing and antibiotic compounds whose environmental impact is not fully understood. Blazer said fertilizers are also being eyed as a possible cause and Belin urged consumers to consider whether they need to fertilize their lawns. Moran also urged people not to flush old prescription drugs down the toilet, but instead take them back to their drug store. "Don't flush pharmaceuticals down the toilet, they don't disappear when you flush them," Moran said. 


This is not the first time the Potomac has dealt with a strange species...

back in 2002  there was the snake head fish.

People were really freaked out by this little guy...

 But now we have upwards of 75% of male fish laying eggs!

There must be something crazy in those waters, and I don't plan on even putting a pinky toe in there! 


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