Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You want to put WHAT on my face??

Since I stumbled upon the snake massages over the weekend I started searching out other horribly disgusting beauty treatments
I didn't have to look very long before I found the 
(did you know what helps keep their porcelian compelxion is bird shit??)

I found that absolutly appalling, now I know that every country has thier own concept of beauty, but really, bird poop  No, thanks.
They try to make it sound better because it is nightengale defication, but somehow that just doesnt do it for me.
Call me crazy!

Since geisha are reguarded as being lovely, sophisticated ladies in their country of course spa's must exploit this and use this idea to make money!

A spa in New York now offers the geisha facial for a mere $180!
(I'm sorry but if I wanted bird shit on my face I would go sit outside under my oak tree for a few hours for free!!)

Apparently, the poop softens, brightens and nourishes the face.

Enough bashing the facial, maybe one day I will be brave enough to go get this treatment.
This does give me a good business idea though... nightingale breeder?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Articles for Attention

Ricky Martin is gay?!?! I defintely didn't see that one coming...
Actually. I'm being honest. I didn't see that one coming because honestly I totally forgot about Ricky!
Shake your bon-bon, sake you bon-bon!
He's a fortunate homsexual man. Don't get it twisted!!

Pretty sure I'm one of those so-called "supertaskers."

I'm going negative on the ipad. I don't think it's going to live up to the hype. I think it'll end up being a larger, more glorified, ipod touch. Perhaps by gen 2, Apple will have a winning product and the original hype will be readjusted.

The bulls the bears. Going up?

Continuing the pattern of risky behavior... go rob a bank legally!

I just found it interesting to learn that CoinStar owns RedBox! I had no idea. Makes sense, though.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

You know it's a bad economy when...

...a pre-recorded voice gets fired.
For a year and a half, or so, "Linda" from CapOne has been leaving me voicemails at least twice a day. She always informs me of some "great opportunities that have been made available to me."
This past week, Linda has stopped calling me.
Instead, she's been replaced with "Andy" and "Sharon."

I'm offended. Now, more so than ever, I will def refrain from paying my CapOne bills.

Stress relief...not so much


Does that make you think stress relief??
(not me)
Well,  some spa's would disagree, the newest type of stress relieving massage involves snakes crawling all over you.
I doubt I'm alone when I say that the thought of snakes crawling all over me is probably the epitome of stress inducing behavior.

(She doesn't look relaxed to me, it looks like she is trying not to move or breath as to not upset the slivering serpents crawling all over her body)
(Hellllllll no!)

Right now this is only available in Israel (fine by me) and for $80 you can have this experience.
The snakes supposedly produce a calming kneading massage, but I don't think that I would be able to enjoy it, I'll keep my $80 and stick with a Swedish ;)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Embrace new things they may be more usefull than you think...

I am completly guilty of not liking change (for the most part)
If I am getting the job done with my current item, I don't need something new and fancy schmancy.

I think the reason is I don't feel like learning how to use a new item and potentially sucking at using it.
(I do not own a smart phone and I plan to stick to my guns on this one for awhile)

That said,  perhaps I should be a bit more open to new things.
I stumbled upon a few quotes that got the wheels turnin....

This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.
Western Union internal memo, 1876.

I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.

Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943

Airplanes are interesting toys, but they have no military value.
Marshal Ferdinand Foch in 1911.

Theoretically, television may be feasible, but I consider it an impossibility--a development which we should waste little time dreaming about.
Lee de Forest, 1926, inventor of the cathode ray tube.

We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.
Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.

Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?
H. M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927.

I found these quotes entertaining, hope you do too!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tiger's fall from grace

It's no secret that Tiger Woods has experienced a lot of backlash from his extra-martial endeavors.  

Gatoraid, among others have decided that he is no longer "what the company is looking for" in a spokesperson.

Honestly, I really don't give a shit.  

Yeah, I totally feel bad for his lovely wife and kids and I think the media needs to mind their own business. 

At the end of the day this has absolutly nothing to do with me, so I pay it little attention.

That said, I wanted to share this with you.
Recently, I was at Toys R Us purchasing a birthday gift and I saw this...

(My apologies  that this isn't a better picture, I took it from my cellular talking device.)

I found this hilarious!!
I'm wondering two things..
1. If his affairs had not surfaced, would he be in the clearance section?
2. Why would you buy a Tiger Woods figurine in the first place?

Tweet Tweet Pray

So as of yesterday afternoon, my poor phone went AWOL. Took me from last night until early this afternoon to get it back up and running. Had to complete re-install the OS (several times as the desktop manager wasn't recognizing my BB), then downgrade the OS, then upgrade the OS, the revert to last back-up! Whew!
ANYWAY, so early this morning, while still mid-process, I put on my twitter "please pray for my phone."
Once my phone was fully working, I re-downloaded that lovely ubertwitter application.
As I was flipping through the most recent tweets on my feed, I saw that some "prayer network" had re-tweeted my "please pray for my phone" which of course included my username. HAHAHAH!
First of all, these people aren't my "friends"... yes, I realize my profile/status' are public, but still. I didn't even use the '#' ordeal. I guess they just do a constant search for the word 'prayer' and just re-tweet anything?! You would think they'd at least somewhat filter out what they are re-tweeting? I mean seriously, I don't really need people to pray for my phone. It's an electronic device. Yes, I am a crackberry addict, but that also means I'm good at fixing things! I don't think Jesus or Buddah or even Ghandi could fix my BB through prayer. It needs to be physically fixed. Which it was.
I wonder if 'prayer network' would re-tweet if I said something along the following lines... "please pray for the bitch's ass I'm about to beat." Or how about, "please pray for me while I am in trial trying to get away with murder that I did commit."

Yes, these are the things that go through my poor sick mind.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I can has read?

Hubby came home with a fabulous book for me last night.
"Little People in the City"
I think I may be in love with this book.

First picture is one of the cover.
Second and third picture are an example of the rest of the book... on opposite pages of each other.
Second picture is the larger, zoomed out view. Third is the upclose shot of the zoomed out picture.

This guy apparently went around London with these little figurines and props and glue them into poses/scenes. He left them there after taking the pictures. Can you imagine running across something like this? Hilarious!

Point being, I have a profound appreciation for what this man has done. The end.

(Please note the dead body floating in the water! Haa!)
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